Entangled Cultural Histories
7-9 September 2016, National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Fudan University, Shanghai 复旦大学文史研究院2016年9月7-9日, 复旦大学文史研究院
Organized by 召集人: Dong Shaoxin 董少新 (IAHS, Fudan University 复旦大学文史研究院) & Thijs Weststeijn (Amsterdam Centre for Cultural Heritage and Identity, University of Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹大学文化遗产与认同研究中心). Funded by the Joint Scientific Thematic Research Programme of The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research 荷兰科学研究会资助
Seminar theme
Cultural encounters between China and Europe are increasingly frequent. With intensifying trade relations, business cooperation, and tourism come meetings of different kinds. Yet preconceptions, stereotypes, and misunderstandings often distort the European perspective. This is not a new dynamic. It is rooted in the first period of intensive contacts, when European trading companies, missionaries, and travellers established contacts with Chinese merchants, scholars, and officials.
This seminar brings together Chinese and Dutch historians to explore intercultural meetings during the late Ming and Qing dynasties. Historians in China and Europe are increasingly finding their way to each other’s sources and archives to chart the socio-economic reality of past encounters. In addition, the history of the Christian missions has been a consistent point of attention. Economic, military, and religious encounters between Europeans and Chinese have therefore been studied at length. What has been understudied in this earlier scholarship, however, is the cultural dimension. Addressing this dimension is all the more important in light of the continuing relevance of perceptions of cultural difference in East and West.
This seminar will explore to what extent the approach of cultural history, which focuses on issues of representation, can be relevant to the study of encounters between Chinese and Europeans. Interdisciplinary and comparative in scope, it addresses visual, literary, and scholarly representations of East and West against the background of actual encounters. Understanding the development of mutual images which developed synchronously in China and Europe enlightens intercultural relations that continue to be relevant in a globalized world.
Dong Shaoxin 董少新, Fudan University复旦大学
Robert Moreno Pablo 保罗, Fudan University复旦大学
Han Qi 韩琦, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences中科院自然史所
Zhu Xiaoyuan 朱孝远, Peking University北京大学
Trude Dijkstra, University of Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹大学
Jane Jia Si 司佳, Fudan University复旦大学
Noël Golvers 高华士, Catholic University of Leuven 鲁汶大学
Djoeke van Netten, University of Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹大学
Li Song 李松, Peking University北京大学
Lennert Gesterkamp葛思康, University of Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹大学
Jiang Yinghe 江滢河, Zhongshan University中山大学
Willemijn van Noord 方若薇, University of Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹大学
Sun Jing 孙晶, Tsinghua University清华大学
Anne Gerritsen, Leiden University & University of Warwick莱顿大学/华威大学
Beatriz Puente-Ballesteros 白雅诗, University of Macao澳门大学
Joris van den Tol, Leiden University莱顿大学
Chen Yufang 陈玉芳, Fudan Univeristy复旦大学
Tristan Mostert, Leiden University莱顿大学
Cai Xiangyu 蔡香玉, Guangzhou University广州大学